
Project maintained by AY2223S2-CS2113-W12-4 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Zhan Hong’s Project Portfolio Page


MovieMate is a desktop application to keep track of movies you have watched or want to watch. You can additionally give a review to the movies you have watched. It also features ways search movies by name or genre. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it is written in Java.

Summary of Contributions

:link: RepoSense page

Project Foundation

I mostly helped to build the foundation of the code and overall project, including base classes and functionalities. So, I had a rough class structure and architecture in mind before we began.

You may find that my code contributions are larger at the start as I helped to set up the base code structure. Near the end, I did slow down a little to work on documentation instead of code, as I felt I could offer more help in writing, but still helped review PRs.

Team Structure

Outside of MovieMate Team Project