
Project maintained by AY2223S2-CS2113-W12-4 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Setting up the project on your computer

First, fork this repository and clone the fork into your computer.

If you are using IntelliJ IDEA (Highly recommended):

  1. Configure the JDK to use JDK 11.
  2. Import the project as a Gradle project as we are using gradle to build the project.
  3. Verify the setup:
    1. Run main and try a few commands.
    2. Run the tests to ensure they all pass.

Code Standards

  1. We follow the CS2113 code style and some tweaks are needed in IntelliJ to align with it.
  2. Ensure any Pull Request passes CI checks. This can be done before a merge. No setup is necessary.
  3. Learn about how MovieMate is built by going back to the DeveloperGuide.


We use the title.basics database for movies as found on

This should already be included in the repository as movies_db.csv under the resources root. There are 5 columns in this CSV:

tconst primaryTitle startYear runtimeMinutes genres
Unique ID Movie Title Year of Release Movie Duration (in Minutes) Up to 3 Genres
tt0462335 High-Rise 2015 119 Drama,Sci-Fi